Trade name of the medical product (商品名 新薬は▼)
Qualitative and quantitative composition (成分・含量)
Pharmaceutical form (剤形・性状)
Clinical particulars (臨床的特性)
Therapeutic indications (効能・効果)
Posology and method of administration (用法・用量)
Conta-indications (禁忌)
Special warnings and special precautions for use (使用上の特別な警告・注意)
Interaction with other medicaments and other forms of interaction (相互作用)
Pregnancy and lactation (妊娠・授乳中の投与)
Effects on ability to drive and use mechines (運転・器械操作への影響)
Undesirable effects (副作用)、Overdose (過量投与)
Pharmacological properties (薬理学的特性)
Pharmacodynamic properties (薬力学的データ)
Pharmacokinetic properties (薬物動態)
Preclinical safety data (前臨床安全性データ)
Pharmaceutical particulars (製剤的特性)
List of excipients (添加物)、Incompativilities (配合禁忌)
Shelf-life (使用期限)、Special precautions for storage (貯法)
Nature and contents of container (容器・包装単位)
Instructions for use/handling (取扱い上の注意)
Leagal Category (規制区分)
Yellow Card (副作用情報報告書 : 黄色用紙)
Part 1 : 医薬品モノグラフ (Monographs on drugs and ancillary substances)
Pharmacopoeias (薬局方)、Incompatibility (配合禁忌)
Adverse Effects and Treatment (副作用とその処置)、Precautions (使用上の注意)
Interactions (相互作用)、Antimicrobial action (抗菌作用)、Pharmacokinetics (薬物動態)
Uses and Administration (適応と用法・用量)、Preparations (BP,USPの該当製剤と国ごとの商品名)
Part 2 : サプリメント医薬品・その他 (Supplementary drugs and other substances)
Part 3 : 商品名一覧 (Preparations)
Nobody working in healthcare can afford to be without the latest edition of the British National Formulary. Compiled with the advice of clinical experts and continually updated to reflect the latest evidence from all credible sources worldwide, this essential reference provides up-to-date guidance on prescribing, dispensing, administering, and monitoring medicines. Not only does the BNF include the widely accepted framework for the drug management of common diseases, it also includes details of medicines prescribed in the UK, with special reference to their uses, cautions, contraindications, side-effects, dosage and relative costs. This allows treatment to be tailored to the individual needs of each patient. The BNF is updated in print every six months by an expert team of pharmacists, with guidance and validation from a network of leading clinicians, overseen by a Joint Formulary Committee with representatives from all spheres of clinical practice. The BNF reflects current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines relating to the use of medicines. As a result it is used widely as a touchstone reference, and cited in Parliaments and courts as a source of authority.
Gastro-intestinal system (消化器系)、Cardiovascular system (循環器系)
Respiratory system (呼吸器系)、Central nervous system (中枢神経系)
Infections (感染)、Endocrine system (内分泌系)
Obstetrics,gynaecology,and urinary-tract disorders (生殖器・泌尿器異常)
Malignant disease and immunosuppression (悪性疾患・免疫抑制)
Nutrition and blood (栄養・血液)、Musculoskeletal and joint diseases (筋骨格・関節疾患)
Eyes (眼)、Ear,nose and oropharynx (耳鼻咽喉)、Skin (皮膚)
Immunological products and vaccines (免疫学的製剤・ワクチン)、Anaesthesia (麻酔)