

医療関係者を中心とした人向けの書籍紹介のページ。 化粧品や食品など薬剤師が関係する分野の書籍も紹介します。

PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference)  Prescription


Physicians' Desk Reference has been the authoritative source on prescription drugs for 67 years. Found in virtually every physician's office, pharmacy, clinic, and library, no medical reference is more current, more recognized, or more respected. Now in its 71st edition, PDR contains full, FDA-approved drug label information, including warnings and precautions, drug interactions, and hundreds of full-color pill images. Every label in PDR includes information on dosages, side effects, and safety information, such as contraindications, pregnancy ratings, and interactions with other drugs, food, and alcohol. Data on clinical trials are also included.


年刊 (12月)+年2回追補発行(6月、10月)
  Manufacturers' Index (企業索引)
  Brand and Generic Name Index (商品名・一般名索引) <ピンクページ>
  Product Category Index (薬効分類索引) <青ページ>
  Product Identification Guide (製剤鑑別ガイド) <灰色ページ> 実物大のカラー写真
  Product Information (製品情報)
    indications (効能)、effect (効果)、dosages (用量)、routes (投与経路)、
    methods (用法)、frequency and duration of administration (投与回数と期間)、
    any relevant warnings (警告)、hazards (有害事象)、contraindications (禁忌)、
    side effects (副作用)、precautions (使用上の注意)
  Rx (処方箋薬)、Box Warning (重要な囲み警告)、Adverse Reactions (副作用)
  Drug Abuse and Dependence (薬物依存性)、Overdosage (過量投与時の中毒と処置)



Vol.1:ヘルスケア専門家向の医薬品情報 (Drug Information for the Health Care Professional)
  Off-label適応は〔 〕内に記載
    Category (薬物療法のカテゴリー)、Indications (効能・効果、未承認適応)、
    Pharmacology / Pharmacokinetics (薬理/薬物動態、メカニズム、吸収・分布・代謝)
    Precautions to Consider (使用上の注意、授乳婦・妊婦・小児・高齢者等の注意)
    Side / Adverse Effects (副作用:4段階の重篤度表示)
    Overdose (過量投与)、Patient Consultation (事前注意事項、適正な服薬、使用中の注意)
    General Dosing Information (一般的投与情報、取扱い上の注意)
    Dosage forms (剤形、通常成人量、配合禁忌)、Selected Bibliography (引用文献)
  Appendixes (付録)、Indication Index / Off-Label Uses Indices (承認/未承認適応症索引)
  General Index (総合索引)
Vol.2:患者へのアドバイス向医薬品情報 (Advice for the Patients)
  Description (医薬品についての概説:働きや目的)
  Before Using Your Medicine (服用/使用前の注意、医師に伝えるべき事項)
  Storage of Your Medicine (正しい保管法)
  Proper Use of Your Medicine (適切な使い方)
  Precautions While Using Your Medicine (服用中の注意事項)
  Side Effects of Your Medicine (副作用:起こる可能性のある副作用・頻度・対処)
  Additional Information (追加情報)
  Avoiding Medicine Mishaps (医薬品の事故を避けるために)
  About the Medicines You are Taking (服薬中のお薬について)
  Glossary (医学用語の簡潔な説明)
Vol.3:承認医薬品と法的規制 (Approved Drug Products and Legal Requirements)
Health Canada (カナダ保健省)での承認状況の対比がある


The Merck Index

The Merck Index is the definitive reference work for scientists and professionals looking for authoritative information on chemicals, drugs and biologicals. It has been the leading source of information on chemical compounds for generations of scientists and professionals, selling over one million copies since its publication in 1889. The Merck Index contains over 10,000 monographs with information relating to compounds of significance in research, commerce and environmental impact. The 15th edition, available from RSC Publishing for the first time, is fully revised and updated and contains over 500 new monographs. Over 35% of the existing entries have been updated since the last edition, molecular weights have been recalculated with the latest IUPAC standards and there are revised periodic table and atomic weight tables. The Merck Index now comes with FREE personal one-year access to the The Merck Index Online - a fully searchable database of over 11,500 monographs, including historic monographs not available in the print edition. The Merck Index is an essential reference for all scholarly and professional chemists, biochemists, pharmacists and toxicologists and of interest to students, teachers, academic libraries, academic researchers, information professionals, solicitors, journalists and government agencies. *The name THE MERCK INDEX is owned by Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, N.J., U.S.A., and is licensed to The Royal Society of Chemistry for use in the U.S.A. and Canada.


Monographs (本文各条)
  CAS(Chamical Abstracts)登録番号、CAS名、別名 (他の化学名、慣用名、治験番号、商品名)
Miscellaneous Tables (USAN名称、INN名称、沸点、英仏独露日化学用語一覧、指示薬などの一覧)
Organic Name Reaction (有機化学反応名や化学反応式)
CAS Registry Numbers Index (CAS登録番号索引)
Therapeutic Category and Biological Activity Index (薬効・薬物群分類索引)
Formula Index (分子式索引)、Name Index (名称索引:商品名や誘導体等の検索が可能)


Red Book

Developed by the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases in conjunction with the CDC, the FDA, and other leading institutions with contributions from hundreds of physicians nationwide, the newly revised and updated 2012 "Red Book" continues the tradition of excellence with the latest findings and clinical recommendations on the manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of more than 200 childhood conditions.
Updated information and recommendations include:
- Standardized approach to disease prevention through immunizations, antimicrobial prophylaxis, and infection control practices have been updated throughout
- 2012 childhood and adolescent immunization schedules added
- Updated information on hypersensitivity reactions after immunizations
- The latest on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in adolescents and children
- Updated coverage of adenovirus, arbovirus, candidiasis, clostridium infections, "Clostridium difficle, "cyclosporiasis, cytomegalovirus, enteroviruses, "Escherichia coli," diarrhea, human calicivirus infections, meningococcal infections, pediculosis capitis, pertussis, pneumococcal infections, rotavirus, and more
- Updated information on hepatitis A and B
- New chapter on dengue
- Updated information on group B streptococcal infections
- Updated section on drugs for parasitic infections
- Significantly revised chapters on herpes simplex and HIV infection
- Recommendations for using MMR or MMRV vaccines have been updated
- Recommendations for screening females for HPV infection and for immunizing females and males with HPV vaccine are provided
- And much more!


Emergency Informatio (緊急情報)
  FDA MedWatchプログラム(副作用情報報告)など
Clinical Reference Guide (臨床参照ガイド)
  母乳以降医薬品、臨床検査値(Common Laboratory Test Values)
Herbal Medicine Guide (ハーブ製品ガイド)
  ドイツ規制当局 Commission E の約700種のハーブ情報をもとに作成
Practice Management and Professional Development (実践管理)
Organizations (薬局・薬剤師関連団体)
Drug Reimbursement (保険償還制度)
Manufacturer / Wholesaler Information (製薬会社・卸業者情報)
Products Indentication (製剤鑑別)
Rx Product Listings (処方箋用医薬品一覧表)
OTC / Non-Drug Product Listings (OTCと医薬部外品一覧表)




Drug Facts and Comparisons

Drug Facts and Comparisons provides up-to-date, comprehensive information on over 22,000 Rx and 6,000 OTC products grouped by therapeutic category for ease of comparison. Drug Facts and Comparisons answers questions about actions, indications and contraindications; warnings and precautions; drug interactions; adverse reactions; administration, dosage, and overdosage; pregnancy and lactation; and patient information. Comparisons include drug to drug; dosage forms; name brands to name brands and generics. Facts and comparisons are also provided for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention biologicals and antiparasitic drugs; IV solutions; therapeutic and diagnostic ophthalmic preparations; diagnostic aids; and combination cancer chemotherapy regimens. This hardbound edition includes the Drug Identifier 2014 CD-ROM, the premier tool for drug identification. Ensure accuracy by searching more than 10,000 color images in seconds. Search by drug name, imprint, NDC code, color, shape, manufacturer, coating, scoring, clarity, and flavor


毎月Update (ルーズリーフ)
月刊索引 <グレーページ>と季間索引がある
Keeping UP
Orphan Drug Act (オーファンドラッグ法)の対称商品名・一般名・スポンサー名
 Investigational Drugs (治験薬) 
 Temporary Listing (速報リスト) 処方変更や名称変更も一覧表に収載


AHFS Drug Information

Being truly prepared means having the only print compendium of evidence-based drug information at hand. Written and published by pharmacists and reviewed by over 500 experts, AHFS DI is the most comprehensive evidence-based source of drug information complete with therapeutic guidelines and off-label uses. The only print compendium designated by the US Congress, AHFS DI is also the only reference published by a non-profit scientific association--ensuring it is the most authoritative and best-selling reference trusted by pharmacists for over 50 years. AHFS DI might not always be the first resource you use at the point of care, but it's a mandatory resource to have at your fingertips. Its detailed and comprehensive drug monographs deliver valuable information and therapeutic guidelines to even the most complex questions. Don't waste time searching other references when you know you will always find the answer you can trust to be accurate inside - everytime.




Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs

Building on the success of the 14 previous editions, this remarkable reference has been extensively reorganized and expanded and now comprises almost 1,500 individual drug articles providing the most complete coverage of adverse reactions and interactions found anywhere. Each article contains detailed and authoritative information about the adverse effects of each drug, with comprehensive references to the primary literature making this a must have for any academic or medical library, pharmacologist, regulatory organization, hospital dispensary or pharmaceutical company.


Now available online for all academic, corporate or government institution as well as individuals via
Science Direct! The online version provides an unparalleled depth of coverage and functionality by offering convenient desktop access and enhanced features such as increased searchability, extensive internal cross-linking and fully downloadable and printable full-text, HTML or PDF articles.


* Enhanced encyclopedic format with drug monographs now organised alphabetically
* Completely expanded coverage of each drug - thalidomide warranted three sentences in Meyler's 14th edition, but is now a 13 page extensive monograph
* Clearer, systematic organization of information for easier reading including case histories to provide perspective on each listing
* Extensive bibliography with over 40,000 references - Meyler's 15th edition incorporates all relevant citations from Meyler's 14th, but also includes relevant citations from previous editions of Meyler's and Side Effects of Drugs Annuals to give a historical perspective on the use and safety of drugs


「Science Direct(2006)」を利用すれば、オンラインで本書の閲覧や検索、相互参照も可能。また、雑誌記事と抽出データベースにもリンクしているので、自由自在に、しかも簡単にページ間を行き来できる。
4万件を超える充実した参考図書目録。15版は14版のすべての関連引用とともに、それ以前の版と『Side Effects of Drugs Annuals』からの関連引用も収録し、薬物の使用と安全性に関する歴史の考察も可能。


American Drug Index

For over 55 years, American Drug Index has provided explanation and correlation of thousands of pharmaceuticals to medical, pharmaceutical, and allied health professionals. This exhaustive drug listing includes composition, strength, doseform, packaging, schedule, and usage for approximately 22,000 brand and official USP generic drugs. Organized in an easy-to-follow dictionary format with extensive cross-referencing, American Drug Index includes Tall Man lettering and hard-to-find generic drug pronunciations.


Appendices provide valuable information on oral doseforms that should not be crushed or chewed, drug names that look and sound alike, weights and measures, approximate practical equivalents, normal laboratory values, and a manufacturer and distributor listing

